Designed in collaboration with renowned designer Émilie Cerretti for the heartwarming program “Tous pour un chalet,” hosted by Mathieu Baron, the Albany cottage is the perfect fusion of modern design and love of nature, as well as a jewel in Boréal’s Riviera collection. Every detail of this model tells a story, from the carefully selected materials to the authentic design that evokes the serenity of ancient forests. An aesthetic marvel, the Albany gives you the enveloping feeling of a cozy home with every glance.
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Looking for a plot of land?
Choose from a wide range of land starting at just $95,000. Sold on a ready-to-build basis, each lot offers exclusive access to the estate’s facilities, including a Club House, private beaches, hiking trails, a climbing wall, a heliport and 30 kilometres of serviced roads. Furthermore, the estate gives you quick access to 48 kilometres of bike paths, snowmobile trails and more. Prestige lots are also available.
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